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1x 63135A2AEC1 official BMW retrofit kit
includes: 1x 63218493825 Genuine BMW inner tail light left trunk 1x 63218493826 Genuine BMW inner tail light right trunk 1x 63218493829 Genuine BMW outer tail light left side panel 1x 63218493832 Genuine BMW outer tail light right side panel
not included but additional parts necessary for LCI retrofit:
61131367599 15x cable tie 61131383776 4x socket contact MQS 0.2-0.35 mm² 61126946211 10x cable grey 51499448945 1x water drip rail left trunk 51499448946 1x water drip rail right trunk
for the full retrofit+installation kit please search for the following products:
code: 63218493825+63218493826+63218493829+63218493832 country spec: EU-spec (amber turn lights)
information: coding is required after installation for proper function